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yet another way to make your smile even more stylish,

What is Tooth Jewellery?

Tooth jewellery is an accessory which is placed on the front portion of a tooth. This style craze lets you express your individuality through your smile and makes it more unique and fashionable.

There are many different jewellery designs, materials and shapes and sizes.

How long will the tooth jewel last?

A Tooth jewel bonded on a natural tooth will stay on until you decide to have it removed again. Based on our experience it will certainly stay on for 6 months up to a few years.

Can I feel the jewel on my tooth?

Jewels are usually only 0.4 mm or 0.9 mm thick and 1.8 mm to 3 mm in diameter. Initially something on your tooth will feel different, but a few days after the application you will get used to the new feeling.

Does the jewel impede brushing?

No, the presence of the gem will not make any difference regarding dental hygiene.